The Shu Uemura campaign – The Anti / Oxi Cleansing oil: the perfect formula to save our skin!

In order to optimize the promotion of its new Anti / Oxy oil, the Shu Uemura team turned to Made In Blog with the intention of increasing its visibility among the U.S. and Canadian markets. By targeting our bloggers, the cosmetics and beauty products brand wanted to benefit from their influence by asking them to generate sponsored tweets as well as banner advertisings to bring a quality traffic to the Facebook contest initiated by Shu Uemera (donation of 30,000 samples of the Anti / Oxi cleansing oil) and to their website ( and

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(source : Beautezine)

Furthermore, each blogger had to share her personal experience using the featured oil with their readers in order to generate interest towards the product. The bloggers all had a promotional code for the cleansing oil, which encouraged their readers to treat themselves to a beauty gift. Since our bloggers believe the cleanliness of their faces should be maintained by hook or by crook, they accepted to save their skin thanks to this advertising campaign.

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(source : The Notice)

It would be an understatement to say that our bloggers have taken their role as ambassadors seriously. With enthusiasm, they reached near 1M Twitter users and spread the information over Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. By responding diligently to their fans’ interrogations, their mission was successful; their readers wanted to buy the Shu Uemura oil. According to their testimony, the blogs’ readers were also very satisfied by the magic effect of their miraculous bottle.

Regarding their appreciation of the Anti/Oxy oil, we can say that the feeling of freshness brought by the facial cleanser wins hands down. Indeed, all of the bloggers have rejected the prejudices of the greasy oils. Instead, they highlighted the impression of softness and hydration that resulted with the use of Anti/Oxy.

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(source : Jen Tam, Hello, Everly )

«When washed away, doesn’t leave any of that oily slick feeling I was worried about.» (source : Xsparkage)

  «Thanks to the deep cleansing, my pores seemed to have shrunk a little in just a week and this has never happened with other brands.» (source : Make Up For Life)   «When you’re using a product that takes the bad stuff out and leaves the good stuff in, you’re going to feel like a million bucks!» (source : Teni Panosian )

A special mention to our blogger Rae Chen for making a comparison between the Anti/Oxy oil and other oils designed by Shu Uemura.

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(source : The Notice )

  To sum up, it would not be a banana skin if the Shu Uemura Anti / Oxy cleansing oil was a part of our daily routine!

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(514) 439-9933
Mile end, Montréal
+1 (514) 439-9933