Throwback on Simon Trudeau conference – Optimizing your content with your digital data

Over the last eight years, Simon has worked as a digital analytics expert for the Montreal based web marketing agency Adviso and as a digital analytics director for the worldwide web marketing agency Nurun. Simon is now leading the digital analytics expertise at Yellow Pages Canada since 2013.

Simon Trudeau began his career in the digital world as a SEO/Analytics specialist. He quickly developed a true passion for online marketing, specifically for bringing values with an analyst’s insight. 

Optimizing Your Content With Your Digital Data

Therefore, Simon was the most qualified to talk about the analysis of the digital data in order to improve the content offer to your readers.

During that conference Simon presented various tips and tricks to better understanding and optimize the statistics and the data that is associated with a blog.

Here is the question: How to use the data to find content ideas? 

The answer is to first use the “research” tab, integrated to your blog, in order to determine the content ideas that your readers would like to find on your page. The idea behind it is that when people visit your blog to search for a specific topic they are going to use the search bar and so if you notice that several people searched on the same subject and you have not written  about it yet, then it is the perfect time to do so!

If you feel comfortable and a little more geek at heart you can also use your Google Analytics to look for words that is associated with longer researches.

An other even  more simple and very effective way to collect content ideas is simply to ask! Also, you can integrate at the end of a page a mini pop-up survey that question your readers and demystify which topics they are interest in. 

An other question is How to know if your content is read?

You want to know if you content is read by your readers? No worries, Simon was there to gives you the tools to assure you! First, interesting fact: the time spent on a page is not calculated by the time a person spends on  the actual page. Indeed, is rather calculated by the time difference spent between two different pages. Interesting right? This principle is called the bounce rate and is an indicator of trends but it should not be perceived as an absolute, as it can interpreted differently depending on your needs.

But then how to really know if what you are telling your readers fit their needs?

– The number of shares and likes on your articles 

– The “scroll tracking” you will know if people went to the bottom of the page or not. 

– Ask the developer to insert elements to measure what happens after a certain time, it sends information once a person remains more than 45sec. 

To finish, Simon ended his presentation by insisting on the need to compare yourself only in order to measure your success. Don’t forget that your indicators over the long term are your best allies to find out where you stand. This conference was really useful as to succeed in the use of datas for your blog and thus propel your webpage to an other level!

Optimiser votre contenu grâce à vos données digitales from Made in Blog

 Thanks again Simon for this great conference!

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