Partnership DFC x DUC


DFC works hand in hand with dairy farmers to improve the health and sustainability of their farmlands, as well as the environment as a whole. Among the actions, some aim to preserve and renew wetlands in collaboration with Ducks Unlimited Canada.


The mandate

To highlight the partnership between Dairy Farmers of Canada and Ducks Unlimited Canada, Maison Made in was mandated to lead an influencer campaign from A to Z.

The strategic approach was to create educational content with a focus on wetland restoration efforts on Canadian dairy farms.

To ensure that the sustainability message resonates with the target audience, Made in rigorously selected influencers who met specific criterias of selection. The target audience includes young millennials and Gen Z (18-34) who love dairy but have questions about the industry. The goal is to reassure them by presenting all the efforts made by DFC and in particular within the framework of the partnership with DUC.

The Deployment

We have recruited three content creators across the country to ensure we reach a large audience on the TikTok and Instagram networks. The influencers (mid and top) created and released each one of them a video reflecting the important messages to take away. This format, above all entertaining, was ideal for this campaign, as it offers great educational and explanatory possibilities responding to the challenge of this mandate. We also chose influencers in the three main regions  in order to cover the reach of the messages.


Did you know wetlands are vital for biodiversity? Dairy Farmers of Canada in partnership with Ducks Unlimited are doing their part, so how will you help us achieve net zero by 2050?! #ad @dfc_plc #herefortomorrow #netzero2050 #choosecanadiandairy #qualitycanadianmilk #dairyfarmersofcanada #ducksunlimitedcanada #sustainable

♬ original sound – Hayden Fox


By choosing to present the partnership between Canadian dairy farmers and Ducks Unlimited Canada in different tones, we took up the challenge of interesting and engaging target audiences on the subject. Influencers have appropriated the subject to disseminate educational, humorous or lifestyle content corresponding to their style while respecting the expectations of their communities.

The presence on the two social networks was amplified by a media strategy in order to achieve the objectives of reach and impressions via TikTok ads and Meta ads.


#question de @simplementmousseau Je te donne mon truc pour augmenter la production de légumes et de fruits dans ton jardin! Les insectes pollinisateurs c’est la clé et pour les attirer rien de mieux que des plantes mellifères. C’est une des raisons pourquoi j’apprécie particulièrement l’engagement des producteurs laitiers du Canada et Canards Illimités Canada de travailler ensemble pour restaurer les milieux humides et la biodiversité pour assurer un avenir durable pour la planète. Pourquoi c’est important? Surtout parce qu’un milieu humide peut inclure des sols qui favorisent la nidification de certains pollinisateurs ainsi que des plantes mellifères. Donc si tu veux un maximum de fruits et de légumes dans ton jardin, ajoute des plantes mellifères.  #PUB #IciPourDemain #carboneutres2050 #ChoisissezLaitCanadian #laitcanadiendequalité #producteurslaitiersducanada #canardsillimitéscanada #durable @dfc_plc #plante #jardin #potager #mellifère #pollinisation #pollinisateur #fleur #légume #fruit

♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

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