Émilie Rossignol Arts

Emilie is a lovely and gourmet young woman that shares videos about her favorite places in Montreal. She loves gastronomy and restaurants but also enjoys preparing good meals herself.
She is passionate about traveling and is always looking for new restaurants, hotels, and off-the- beaten-path activities.

80K followers emilierossignolarts 74K followers emilie.rossignol.arts

However, the places she prefers to showcase on her Instagram and Tiktok accounts are the small businesses she has discovered in Montreal, run by people who put their heart and soul into this beautiful city. She loves sharing her tips with her highly engaged community, who follow her recommendations with great enthusiasm.

Engagement rate
She likes to highlight and give a voice to local businesses in Canada and also during her travels. Her goal? To attract both locals and tourists to eat, sleep, and visit the various hidden gems she discovers through her experimentation and recommendations.

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