6 tips to help you fight against the writer’s block


You are alone, behind your desk trying to write a blog post, but you don’t know where to start. You’re just staring at the white page of your Word document. This has probably already happened to you. So we will give you 6 tips to help you fight against the writer’s block.



1-    Have an editorial calendar

In order to be best prepared for the redaction of an article, having timelines and deadlines can often help. First of all this will help because you won’t have to start from scratch. Your editorial calendar should include a list of themes. If you still need more themes, do not hesitate to ask your readers what they would like you to write about.

2-    Get away from distraction

After consulting your editorial calendar and choosing your theme, you still can not get started? Then, avoid any distractions, turn off the TV, put your phone in another room. This will help you to not turn away from your computer screen to look at your phone every time it lights up because of a notification (does this sounds like you? ^^).


3-    Find inspiration

You just breaked down and you went to get your phone that you have hidden in a cupboard in your kitchen. Well, it’s not a big deal but use this to find inspiration. Twitter can be a gold mine. It is also the same for magazines. So once you found your theme, this may give you ideas on how you want to approach the subject.


4-    Recycling

You still do not have any inspiration, you don’t like the themes of your editorial calendar anymore. Recycle! Take one of your articles that received the most comments and update it. You can, for example, update your article by providing additional information if new elements appears since its publication. You can also do a”Best of the Month” article by publishing your best recipes, bests outfits, etc.


5-     Change location

We all like our little habits. But in this case, it may be your habits that prevent you from writing your article. Then clear your mind. Take your book or laptop and go sit in this new coffee place or this beautiful park. Have a new environment may help you fight the writer’s block.


6-    Just write!

Get started! Okay, it’s easier said than done. But sometimes the best thing to do when you find yourself in front of a blank page it’s just to start writing. So yes it is possible that it won’t be right at first but the ideas will start to form and then ….


We won’t be able to stop you!

 If I waited for perfection


You’re definitely not inspired? Tomorrow is another day so don’t put pressure on yourself, the world will continue even if there is a pause in your  frequency of publication. Sharing interesting and quality content to your readers is better than just write in order to write. Your readers will feel it and you may get tired of your blog faster. If you have other tips, do not hesitate to share them with us by leaving a comment. To follow our news, follow us FacebookTwitterInstagram

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