Blog Design: More than meets the eye


1. How does one choose their blog design


Like anything, you have to shop around. See what other people are doing and what you like and let that inspire you. Browse until you have a more definitive idea of what your personal taste is. Also, ask yourself the following questions:

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–       Is this an enjoyable experience?

–       Is it easy to distinguish the actual content from the publicity?

–       Are the categories clearly defined?

–       Does this blog reflect the identity of the blogger?


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After going through these, make a list of pros and cons, what you like and didn’t like and start from there.

2.  Target Audience


Once you’ve decided what kind of design you like, think of your audience. Who are you addressing? Is it the fashionista crowd who’ll prefer a chic and minimalist design or is it foodie people who’ll enjoy high-res photos of your latest recipes? Everybody has a different definition of what is pleasing to the eye, so think of your target audience and what you would like them to take back from that experience.


3. Mobile


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Nowadays, user-friendly often means making it accessible on mobile devices. So many people will be browsing with their phone, that’s why if your blog is mobile-friendly, it will definitely be a huge incentive for them to come back. The most straightforward way is probably to create a responsive website, for which we have many examples: WordPress Themes.


4. Sharing Tools


If people love what they see/read, help them spread the love. By this, we mean incorporating share buttons for Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram and whichever other social network you’re on. Make sure they are visible and well incorporated with your blog’s design.


5. Content is King


This may seem obvious, but remember that no matter what, content is key. Your blog may have the most beautiful/user-friendly design, but if your posts seem like they’ve been written by a 10 year old, you may not have many recurring visits. And remember, long posts dont’t necessarily mean they’re good. It can be short and sweet, as long as you’re bringing something new to the table and talking about it in your own personal manner.

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In the end, a blog’s design can definitely have a huge impact, but keep in mind that even with a small budget, you can still have something that’s well though out and offers some quality content.


If you want to participate in our next #mibchat that will be held August 21st, just follow us on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll keep you updated.



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Mile end, Montréal
+1 (514) 439-9933