Jerome Jarre on Vine
Twitter announced today that Vine will be shut down. Service will remain online for the next few months to allow people to download their videos. So although not immediately, the end is near.
Vine, the short looping video service, was launched in 2012 by Twitter as a way to share short, six-second video clips.
It quickly became very popular with young people, propelling new creators that created short and funny content. Some people became international stars thanks to the platform. Like Jerome Jarre who has more than 8,6M followers on Vine. He started off by creating content in the very first days of the app. But with Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook as competitors, Vine has been struggling for some time to drive revenues. It was also – until very recently – lacking monetization for the creators. Monetization has been one of the key ways for YouTube to retain its best creators and become the huge content platform that we now know.
Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook will benefit from the end of Vine. There is no specific timeline before it disappears for good but there’s limited time to enjoy the best, creative and funny content, the awesome creators made for Vine in the last 4 years for one last time.