Holiday collection “Six Heart Princess” by Shu Uemura: War of looks is declared!

Shu Uemura approached us to promote the exclusive Holiday Collection, based on the upcoming animation series “6HP (Six Heart Princess)” directed by Takashi Murakami.

Our strategy
: Getting face two teams of bloggers in an incredible “war of looks”. Their mission ?  Defend their colors. Their battlefield ? Social networks ! Their secret weapon ? An exclusive promo code to share with their communities.

We created 2 bloggers teams: Pink look Vs Black look to represent each palette.

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After sharing their looks, they had to collect as many “likes” as possible!

The fight was tight: a total of over 5 900 likes on Facebook and Instagram, more than 70 shares on social networks only by our influencers and 30 backlinks towards Shu Uemura’s website.

Looks and products have been shared over 20 times on Facebook and gathered over 4 400 likes!

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Over 35 tweets directly generated from our influencers!

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More than 20 500 likes on Instagram for our influencers pictures.

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The campaign was accompanied by a lot of  content “bonus” which shows the involvement of bloggers/vloggers, including 2 videos created on Youtube by RAEview and Make-upDOLL (generating over 53 000 views), and 4 articles from RAEviewer , Beautifymeeh , SLOABN and Pursebuzz .

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Our bloggers highlighted the packaging and quality of the products:

“The graphics are too cute not to share!” Rae Viewer

“The 6 Hearts Princess collection from Shu Uemura is so cute I can not handle it.” Xsparkage

“It was my first time using cosmetics Any of Their aim the quality was sooo lovely. The cleansing oil is to die for! ” Saaammage

“I also applied Heroin Rose Lip & Cheek Fun-Tasy to my lips and cheeks. I was so impressed by how beautifully pigmented these were, and when applied to the lips it left a matte velvet finish.”  SLOABN

Communities were enthusiastics and supported both teams:

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And the winner was… the pink team !

The Holiday Collection has been a huge success with most of the products sold out as soon as early December !

Bloggers and vloggers have been really engaged in the campaign with a lot of added value (video, articles, social media) and their enthusiasm showed through their posts with warm recommendations about the products !

Discover our special Pinterest board about this campaign.

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Get in touch with us for more insights

(514) 439-9933
Mile end, Montréal
+1 (514) 439-9933