Made in Blog is handing you the mic!

Are you familiar with the concept of guest blogging? The goal is simply to let you post on our blog (because we like you of course) so you can tell us about your experiences and your tips as a blogger. In other words, we want to give you the opportunity to discuss topics that are important to you with an audience mostly composed of other bloggers and web agencies.
If you want to share with the WHOLE world, for example (yes yes all of it), how to take the best foodie pictures or how to choose the right designs for your blog, you’re welcome aboard! Needless to say, your profile will be highlighted in your post with your blog as well as your social networks.
So grab your pencils keyboards, and we can’t wait to receive your article suggestions at!

Get in touch with us for more insights

(514) 439-9933
Mile end, Montréal
+1 (514) 439-9933