For this chat, it was important for us to address this theme : what “engaging your community” means?
First, we were interested in how you write your articles. Do you think of your readers when you write a publication? From the responses, when you write, you do it for you, choosing themes that you like.
This is also the way that most of you have managed to build your community.
But you still have questions on how to successfully federate your community. Because once readers are on your blog, how to encourage them to stay and exchange?
So yes to ask a question at the end of your articles can be a good thing. But know that all articles are not open to long discussions. When this is the case, do not hesitate to direct your readers to your social platforms. Twitter for example, a platform on which your readers can interact directly with you and ask you questions, if necessary. This led us to the following question: do you feel a difference of engagement between your social media and your blog?
And what do you do to generate engagement on your social media?
We do think that visuals are really important, but consistency is important too. Post frequently but without spamming. Take time apart for the management of your social platforms, they’re as important as your blog.
To conclude, we wanted to give you some technical tools to measure the engagement of your community. >Here< are the tools!
Thank you all for your participations ! See you next month for the #mibchat, we’ll talk about Pinterest!