MiB Chat – Having a newsletter when you’re a blogger

MiB Chat - Having a newsletter - blogger 

For the third MiB Chat of the year, we wanted to address a slightly different topic: having a newsletter when you’re a blogger. First, what is a newsletter? 

MiB Chat - avoir une infolettre Capture d’écran 2015-05-26 à 18.02.04 Capture d’écran 2015-05-26 à 18.02.14

For most of you having a newsletter is perfect to inform your subscribers about news, share things exclusively with the community, such as behind the scene, for example. All this sounds interesting, yet many of you do not have a newsletter yet. Most often due to lack of time, ideas or assiduity. 

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Yet it does not take much time than that.You simply have to organize and set aside 1 to 2 hours of your time. And sending newsletter is also very simple. You were a lot to recommend MailChimp which allows you to program sendings and offers on its website a few templates. But there is also Cyber_impact as advised Kim Auclair. 

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Now that we know how to send a newsletter, the logical question was the following: what to put in the newsletter? The goal is to offer to readers a different experience than that one offered on the blog.

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All thanks to exclusive (invitations to events, giveaways, etc.) and informative content. You can also promote your articles this way, by inserting your latest published articles to attract traffic to your blog.

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In terms of frequency of publication, a newsletter per months seems to be reasonable. If you want to share the content of your blog, and bring traffic, why not choose your best publications of the month. Of course you can send more than one newsletter per month. Just be careful to not spam your readers. 

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Finally, how do we encourage readers to sign up for the newsletter? We advise bloggers to have a banner in the sidebar, where are located all your links to your social networks to encourage your readers. It would make sense that this link leads to a form / page of your site on which you explain what it means to subscribe to the newsletter.

You are now ready to embark on writing your newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. 

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