Most Memorable Memes from 2016

2016 was quite eventful & had its fair share of troublesome moments. Thankfully, 2016 also gave us some of the most memorable memes; many of them had us rolling on the floor laughing! Let’s take a look & pay homage to 5 of the most memorable memes from 2016.

Micheal Phelps Angry Face

We all remember the photo of Michael Phelps mentally preparing before his race at the Rio Olympics. His epic look of concentration also had a slightly “I’m secretly plotting the end of you” vibe to it. It didn’t take long for meme pages to react, creating the #PhelpsFace. It was used as a symbol of frustration, pain & suffering. A top 5 memes’ list wouldn’t’ be complete without the Olympic gold medalist’s death stare. It’s scary to think how he’d look it he had lost the race!

Michael Phelps Angry Face

Pokémon Go Dogs

The Pokémon Go craze hit its peak in the summer months & the internet community was quick to create funny memes to represent the hysteria that surrounded it. The game brought a lot of people outside of their home & made them walk considerable distances. Some furry friends definitely benefited from these extra walks while others had a hard time keeping up!

Pokemon Go Dogs

Drake sitting on things

Drake’s chart-topping album, Views, was very well received for its hypnotic melodies, but the artwork of the album cover also got a lot of coverage. Following the release, a cut-out of Drake sitting on the famous Toronto CN tower started to be included on various other photos & people. Between this & his various emotionally distressed memes, Drake has become a mainstay in internet meme culture (we all remember the many Hotline Bling memes from 2015!).

Drake Sitting on Things

Joe Biden

With Joe Bidden leaving the White House in January, the internet is mourning all the great meme opportunities created by his bromance with Obama. I don’t know what’s sadder, Biden & Obama memes potentially fading away, or the who’s taking their place.

Joe Biden Memes

Joe Biden Memes

Kermit and Evil Kermit

Kermit & Evil Kermit created so many memes that perfectly represent how we’re all hypocrites in some way. Do I want to get fit? Yes. Do I also want to eat this entire cheesecake? Also, yes.


#hbo has me like…

Une photo publiée par Temelki (@temelki) le

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