OREO challenges YouTubers, creates great content!

Campaign dares YouTubers to compete in lick race!

What better way to showcase the new Double Cream OREO than to have a lick race?!  The premise of the campaign across Europe was; two opponents, one crazy YouTube challenge and one winner.

Made in recruited a very special participant in Belgium that decided to try a completely different approach with his video.

Here is Math in character as both Augustus AND Willy Wonka from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory challenging himself to an epic lick race!

The influencers selected by Made in also encouraged their communities on YouTube to  hold their own race and upload it to win a year’s worth of OREOS! Who can pass up that offer?

Not us!


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(514) 439-9933
Mile end, Montréal
+1 (514) 439-9933