The Best Internet Mannequin Challenges

Mannequin challenge has been the Internet sensation of the moment – a good way to think about something else than the US presidential election.  The challenge consists of people posing as mannequins in dramatic and very realistic postures. They began appearing at the end of October, originally starting with Twitter user @pvrity___ and quickly became very popular. Last week, it seems that the entire Internet froze behind their screens in the most creative and funny poses.

Just for you, we selected some of the best Mannequin challenge the internet has to offer right now.

The trend starter: @pvrity

The trend started with a group of students from Florida who  posed on top of a table, frozen, still as statues.


#manequinchallenge SHARE‼️ RT‼️

— blackie (@pvrity___) 26 octobre 2016

Victoria Sport

As the phenomenon grew brands took part in it – of course. Victoria Secret stepped up the game, freezing their models in sport clothes. This was a total knock out!


Une vidéo publiée par Victoria Sport (@victoriasport) le

Destiny’s Child

Members of Destiny’s Child – even Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams reunited to freeze time for an Instagram post. Destiny’s Child forever !

Une vidéo publiée par kellyrowland (@kellyrowland) le


Adèle goes western for her mannequin challenge, since she’s been to Texas recently. She has instagrammed herself a lot with cowboy boots and hats, it was only right to go all the way in her Mannequin Challenge.


Une vidéo publiée par @adele le

We are looking forward to seeing more creative videos emerging online in the next weeks. Until them, let us know what your favourites are!

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