Three documentaries to better understand vegans

No, this article is not meant to convince you to go vegan! If I’m writing this, it is simply to allow you, meat eaters, to understand us, carrot eaters. I have to admit that we are getting tired of explaining and justifying why we are vegans, where we get our protein, how much we are not craving meat and what we do to avoid dietary deficiencies.

That’s why I think it is important that everyone educates themselves about the reality of the food industry, but mostly about what we put in our bodies. If you want to become a vegan after watching these documentaries, that’s great! If you don’t, I don’t care, but it would be silly to die uneducated, don’t you think?

Here are the three documentaries you should watch if you want to understand why vegans chose this lifestyle.

Cowspiracy, a film about the Earth

All vegans became vegans for different reasons (even though we all stay vegans for the same reasons after all). Some vegans are really sensitive about the environmental aspect and adopt this lifestyle to protect the Earth.

The Earth? I thought we were talking about milk and bacon? Indeed, but this dairy and meat industry causes great damages to our planet: holes in the ozone layer, deforestation, pollution and even more.

If you are interested in knowing more about that, watch Cowspiracy. It is such an interesting movie, with a great narrator who will show you his research and many discoveries all along.

 Cowspiracy, un film sur la planète


The documentary is available on this website:

You can also follow them on Instagram : @cowspiracy

Or on their Facebook page :


Earthlingsa film about the mistreatment of animals

Why eat a cow but pet a dog? Why worshipping one and eating the other? You will find an answer of that question in this documentary, which will show you the truth about the meat, dairy and egg industries through a bunch of shocking images.

Personally, that is the movie that made me realize the atrocity of animal exploitation and understand why I didn’t want to participate in that anymore. Definitely not for the faint-hearted! However, if you want to educate yourself on the subject, Earthlings is a must see.

Earthlings, un film sur la cause animale


Here is their website :

And the documentary is available on YouTube:


 Forks Over Knives, a film about your health

If health is your priority, if you want to know about a healthy and sustainable way to get slimmer, if you are into fitness or passionate about nutrition, this is a documentary for you. Here, no shocking footage and no hippie speeches to change your lifestyle, only facts exposed about health that will help you determine what you really want to give your body.

It may seem kind of selfish, but this is the reason I have chosen the vegan lifestyle at the beginning. I’m really self-conscious about what I put inside my body, and this documentary convinced me to let go of my cheese.

Forks Over Knives, un film sur notre santé


Their website is the best one, with a new vegan recipe every week :

The documentary is also available on YouTube:

And if you like vegan #foodporn, follow them on Instagram : @forksoverknifes

So here are the three documentaries that you should watch if you are interested in one of those subject or if you still do not get why your vegan friend enjoys so much his rice and black beans meal.

I hope that, even you do not want do adopt the vegan lifestyle, those documentary made you reconsider certain thinks and thus adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

Chicken, cows, dogs, cats and humans we are all Earthlings and we all have the right to stay alive. Let’s be friends !

By : Vanille Trantoul

French and Brazilian, she’s vegan and extremely passionate about cooking and traveling. She’ll take you and your taste buds, around the world… Always respecting the planet and the animals. Her secret weapon? Her vegan blog, that she runs with the help of Rex, her lovely baby bunny.


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