Why do you blog?

Whether it’s told in the form of a story, an outfit post or a simple thought, the blog has become a phenomenon that has everyone excited. Thanks to the blog’s democratization, we can now find every existing subject being covered in a blog post. You have all types of blogs including fashion, foodie, mommy… Definitely something to suit everyone’s liking.

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Here at Made in Blog, we’re quite passionate about blogs, but we also want to know more about the creative sitting behind his computer desk telling his story.

That’s why we decided to start the discussion, for our Made in Blog chat, with the question “ What are the reasons that motivate you to blog?” Many of you told us that they started simply by chance, that it served more as a hobby than anything else. It was a way to share a subject that interested you. The reasons themselves were fairly diversified, many said writing, helping people discover Montreal, posting an ootd, sharing opinions and even sometimes relieving their stress…

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However, the central theme that came back every time was that the subject had to be a passion of yours. Well, not too many surprises so far. People write about something they enjoy hoping their readers will find it captivating.

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It’s interesting to note though, that the reasons that motivate many to start a blog aren’t static. They evolve with time. For example, many that started for pleasure are now making the jump and becoming full-time bloggers.

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Others, with time, have enlarged their team by incorporating other bloggers. Some have even started more than one blog! In short, we can see that like every thing, the blog, an entity in itself, evolves with time. The blog also represents great opportunities for meeting other bloggers as well as meeting one’s readers.

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Many think that it’s one of the best ways to expand one’s network, since there definitely is a huge blogging community, which is said, in most cases, to be quite welcoming.

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Although sometimes there can be a bit of competition, Josiane Stratis, from Ton Petit Look mentioned that this is what motivates bloggers to be different and offer unique content.

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When you’re starting a blog, it’s essential to develop your own style and personality and to find your way of addressing your readers. Most often, this is what ensures the readers loyalty.

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In fact, the Zurbaines brought up a valid point when they said that the ultimate goal is “ That a signature be unnecessary.” This can definitely be a long work in progress, but like all things, it becomes more natural as time goes by.

Another point that was brought up in the discussion that we find important to mention was, is it necessary to divide one’s professional and personal life online, including your blog? This isn’t always easy because, if there has to be a separation, the boundaries are never clearly indicated (even less online) and in some cases it isn’t even desirable. Many integrate in their “professional” blogs elements from their personal lives and vice-versa, so how do you differentiate both?

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In the end, most agree that it depends on the blog’s initial goal, the audience you’re addressing and the writing style that you develop. If, for example, you have a company that specializes in fashion, but in everyday life you’re a die-hard tech geek, your target audience isn’t going to be the same.

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Since our professional and personal worlds are colliding and this often occurs without us noticing, the important thing to keep in mind is whom are you directly speaking to and what subjects will they find relevant.

We are witnessing a proliferation of blogs, which reminds us that the blog is a growing phenomenon in constant evolution. Whatever reason you started for, the important thing is to be able to seize the opportunities that come your way, all while remaining loyal to your readers.

Finally, we would just like thank each one of you who participated in our Made in Blog live chat. We really enjoyed a dynamic discussion, looking forward to the next one!



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