What 360° has to offer to YouTubers right now

Since Casey Neistat announced he was quitting vlogging last week-end, YouTube world has been heartbroken. It’s hard to admit that it’s a really good thing for us – the perfect opportunity to start experiencing new types of content. It was time to start thinking beyond vlogging Neistat’s way… But what’s next: is it really the end of vlogging ? Will YouTube be able to rebound and offer something really new ?

The answer is yes, of course ! YouTube will always be the place to try new things, and I’m pretty sure that was the message Casey Neistat was trying to send last week-end.

One of the technology that grew very organically in the last few years is 360° videos. In my opinion, it was only recently that 360° became enjoyable to watch (and, from what we understand, less painful to film and edit for YouTubers). From GoPro “assemblages” to the new Samsung 360° camera, we looked into YouTube to find how YouTubers used the 360° technology to give us a complete VR experience.

Funforlouis: travel the world from home

It’s been quite some time since Louis Cole posted his last 360° video – but we invite you to go check out the playlist he made though the years. On his travel channel he has no less than seventeen 360° videos – from hanging out with popular YouTuber Pointlessblog in the UK to snowboarding in Alberta, Canada you can travel the world from your living room. Our favourite video ? His video with Masai warriors… breathtaking.



Fly with SWISS inside the Airbus A320 cockpit

Flying in the cockpit is an experience very view people get to experience in their life. With  the 360° technology you only have to get to YouTube to sit next to the pilot, being able to see not only what’s going on in the cockpit but also share what he sees from his seat.


Casey Neistat invites you to the Oscars

Neistat partnered with Samsung to bring us to the Oscars back in March 2016. A way to experience red carpet from his point of view – and look around to try to catch the most celebrities possible !

Could 360° really be mainstream ?

This year, YouTube also launched 360° live videos: we are looking forward to see how YouTubers will make the best of this technology in the future ! With new cameras like the Samsung Gear 360, it seems that the technology will soon be more available to people like you and me. It’s a really cheap way to make beautiful content: you only have to share a surprising experience and don’t have to think about scenography.

Speaking of the new Gear 360, Samsung just launched last week a new campaign with… Casey Neistat and his friend Karlie Kloss. The video explains how to shoot with the Samsung camera, in a very simple way – a good way to reach mass market consumers !


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